Saturday, 5th June, 2004

Just back from Munich ~

Met Picasso there
Still floored
Still high on colours

Ah where to start? Maybe at the end. Maybe start at the end and go backwards from there. Cause every end needs some and anyway. End and end and end. If you speak those words aloud, you almost don't hear the difference. Is this the end or is this the and?

Smile. Yeah it's me. Still high on colours on canvas and on rides on raceways.
Filled with frescos of fantasy.

And beware, I have an idea. It started yesterday evening, when I read through the diary entries in my little travel notebook, and felt this wish, this need to turn
them into virtuality. To add pictures to the moments. To add photos I took, paintings I saw.

And so, the idea formed. To put together an artologue, along those moments in Munich. To revisit some of the museums I been to. To put them into a constellation of art is not a luxury.

So many ideas in my mind, coming with this trip. Ideas that were spinning in my mind, without settling, without crystallizing into a form that forms a starting point. Now it seems it is there. Inside me. The starting point. The alpha point. Breaking through the patterns of the usual.

And today, the first pages formed. In a new subside colour. In a slightly different approach.
