subside.zine - travelogues from around the world: an online magazine featuring personal travelogues from all subcontinents of this world: Europe, America, Australia, Africa, Russia, Morocco, Belgium, Peru


Subside.zine - Archive

all of the past journeys listed
for those who missed it

Subside.zine - Issue 5
October 2004

Featuring Italy - The Caribbean - Artland

trundling across the plains of Lombardia, our train tracks the landscape due south toward the sea. Ahead lie maritime mountains and our goal of Liguria, but before then we have a few hours to enjoy the gentle motion and the ceaseless metronome of the wheels..."

...the flight is smooth. On the way to Grenada we pass over St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Like Grenada, they are densely forested islands, green and mountainous, which contrast with the flat coral island covered in sugar plantations that we have left behind..."

the scene, I saw it the night before. Only that I didn't have my camera with me back then. But the sky was gentle with me, and coloured itself in his magic blue the next evening again. I didn't know that more blue, brought upon by Picasso himself, was waiting already..."

Subside.zine - Issue 4
July 2004

Featuring New York -
Alaska - Mallorca

this gigantic place where there is everything and everyone all at once, at any given moment, joys and tragedies, laughter and cry, boredom, surprises - the highest of the high, the lowest
of the low, the ugliest, side by side with the purest, cleanest, most beautiful.

there, in the shade, you repeat the route with the finger on your map: Pollenca, Sa Pobla, Son Sastre - and the church you saw from there, framed by palm trees and olive trees, probably the church tower of Muro.
You know already that there is more to come..."

we spent only one day in open sea, but the Gulf of Alaska delivered a hurricane-strength storm. Eight- to twelve-foot seas. Gale force winds. At Cruisercise class, my yoga instructor had us do reclining postures because she was afraid we'd fall down..."

Subside.zine - Issue 3
April 2004

Featuring USA -
India - Copenhagen - Honduras - Nepal

"...North Dakota is flat. It was flat where I entered and it is flat at the train's last stop, Williston. The vastness of these plains is quite incomprehensible to me, it is difficult to imagine that this landscape goes on for thousands of kilometers in all directions.

my favourite noise of India so far: the scooters and motorcycles have horns that sound like a duck being strangled. I just can't take it seriously. It may lead to my death because I don't move out of the way fast enough. The cows get me moving pretty damn fast though..."

here is Tivoli passing by, then a palace to the right, a statue to the left. Long lines of houses along a canal, a huge ship, and a history lesson via headphones: In 1318, a red flag fell down from the sky. That was how Denmark was founded..."

"...on the way to the ruins, there are g
oats, pigs, chickens, horses, donkeys, mules, cows and even an iguana competing for space along the two lane highway with big, smoke belching trucks, old american school busses, and taxis held together with coat hangers and duct tape..."

the food and the sunrises and sunsets on the snowy peaks and the little villages and the rhythm of life in those villages and on the farms you pass, and having the time to experience them some instead of flying over them or whizzing past them in a car..."

Subside.zine - Issue 2
December 2003

Featuring Greece -
Canada - Munich - Spain - Russia - SE-Asia

we decided to move on to Sifnos. We had tried to book a room from Kythnos, but to no avail. However, in the way of the ever-optimistic tourist, and being quite wet behind the ears, we took this to mean we could still turn up and find somewhere to doss

the icefield is visible from the caribou trail we are following, but the summit is hidden by low cloud and fog. We continue nevertheless, and stop for a snack and a rest not too far, in terms of distance, from the summit..."

e spent the whole day walking around the city center in a relaxed way with no plans, just going here and there, allowing ourselves to enjoy the little and big streets, the parks near Marienplatz and the sidewalk cafés

"...had we but world enough to leave the questions..."

note: sound is part of the elements

"...looking up I saw the infamous clock, which I remembered as a child seeing black and white pictures and films of Russian troops marching with the strollig armory close behind. I was standing in RED SQUARE!.

"...I got
to know the side streets, the restaurants around the corners, the little places you don't find in the travel guides. But now the time to move on has come. Today I arranged the tickets for the bus that will take me to the border of Laos tomorrow..."

Subside.zine - Issue 1
September 2003

Featuring Morocco -
US/Oz - Russia - Peru - Belgium

" is already Thursday. We have done nothing. Or at least nothing big. Marrakesh is a city of many small pleasures.
Not one big thing. We take a horse-drawn carriage. We drive past pink city walls. We enter a pink city gate...."

"...oh, there was no settling down for me. As soon as I saw that there was so much going on outside of the place where I grew up, I knew I had to see more

"...I was excited to finally arrive, but was awestruck that the 'black-market' had booths across the street. It was a beautiful day, cloudy then sunny, then cloudy again, which made the colors blink vibrant and dull on the church and domes.

"...the rhythm of the trek, the physical exertion, the cool in the shade of the mountain, the warmth of the sun, breathing the thin cool air, seeing Kara Kara eagles soaring, purple orchids, cycads, ferns, mosses, and pastures with llamas..."

"...I know that it hardly will be as easy as this, but then there always is hope, that is what keeps you afloat in moments like this, hope and the excitement of being a stranger in a strange place, hope and the sights along an unknown way..."